“Baby books that will calm your baby […].”

Babybuch Aki’s House Babybuch Neko – das blaue Kätzchen Babybücher Aki’s Family Babybuch Unsere Welt – Formen Babybuch Neko’s House Babybücher Aki’s Friends Babybücher BABY EYE Set Babybücher BABY EYE Set Babybuch Meine Sachen – Kontraste Babybuch Kleine Tiere – Muster

“Baby books that will calm your baby […].”

Babybuch Aki’s House Babybuch Neko – das blaue Kätzchen Babybücher Aki’s Family Babybuch Unsere Welt – Formen Babybuch Neko’s House Babybücher Aki’s Friends Babybücher BABY EYE Set Babybücher BABY EYE Set Babybuch Meine Sachen – Kontraste Babybuch Kleine Tiere – Muster

Why does my baby cry?

Why does my baby scream?

What does my baby want?

If you keep asking yourself these questions, you will soon be getting exciting answers.

Every loving mom trusts her mother’s instinct and knows best what her baby needs when it cries. However, there is this ONE thing, which many parents don’t know, that their baby is missing and which really makes a big difference. And it is the following: EVERY baby, when it is born, does not see well. That’s right — EVERY baby, which means also YOUR baby cannot see well. Your baby does not see the world the way you do.

And what can I do about it?

Good, that you’re asking…

The answer is very simple. You can show your baby the world differently — in a BABY EYE way.

BABY EYE was founded in the heart of Stuttgart, Germany. With great passion for design and attention to detail, we create high-quality baby books that optimally support babies and toddlers in their development. There is scientific expertise behind the creation of BABY EYE. BABY EYE is based on studies which prove that babies see out of focus and therefore show a clear preference for black and white and bright primary colors. We consciously implement this knowledge and develop baby books that have a calming effect on babies and toddlers.

Is it really so, you will ask?

It sure is. We get positive feedback from enthusiastic parents on a daily basis. Read and let yourself be convinced by the below expert opinions and some of the many reports we get from satisfied moms every day.

Below you will also find out how exactly your baby sees the world and how eye clinics apply BABY EYE baby books successfully in their therapies with children.

Moms about BABY EYE

Baby Neo und BABY EYE Babybücher

Annika – Mom of Neo (4 months)

“Without at least one BABY EYE book, I no longer leave the house. My little one can play with BABY EYE books for a very, very long time and every time while looking at them he starts ‘telling stories’ and laughing. I have never thought that a 4-month-old could be so interested in books! We became real BABY EYE fans and have inspired the grandparents and many friends with it!”

Baby Bendik starrt auf das Babybuch

Nadine – Mom of Bendik (1 month)

“I could not believe that Bendik stopped crying on Dad’s arm as soon as I held the newly arrived BABY EYE book — ‘My things — contrasts’ in front of him. So far, books have not been of his interest, but this one was literally stared at and devoured. In the meantime, he even gives off joyful pounding sounds when the book is being opened.”

Mama mit ihrem Sohn Elias

Susann – Mom of Elias (2 years)

“Our son Elias has never responded so well to any other baby books as to BABY EYE. Our therapist from Children’s Eye Clinic in Leipzig introduced us to BABY EYE. None of the books for babies such as ‘Black & White’ or Duden series — ‘My first words’ etc. or several others has made such a positive impact on our son as BABY EYE did. It was with BABY EYE for the first time when Elias was making joyful sounds while looking concentrated at a book.”

Baby Luc ist fasziniert von dem BABY EYE Babybuch

Anke – Mom of Luc (4 months)

“We are thrilled and find all BABY EYE books awesome. He lets everything stand and lie, as soon as he gets a BABY EYE book in his hands, he is totally fascinated! I highly recommend BABY EYE books. Great invention for the little ones :-).”

Baby Lena liebt BABY EYE Babybücher

Melanie – Mom of Lena (14 months)

“So far, Lena has only leafed through baby books, actually only to leaf through them. She didn't really look at the pictures. In the BABY EYE baby book ‘Our World — Shapes’ she becomes very calm and traces the contours with her fingers. The pictures in BABY EYE books really catch her interest.”

Baby Fynn schaut sich das Babybuch an

Andrea – Mom of Fynn (11 months)

“We are fascinated by the intensity with which our little man deals with this great baby book. Again and again he crawls to the book and compares the different patterns and colors. The patterns are then traced with his fingers. A wonderful baby book!”

More… “Wir sehen und staunen uns schlau – die neuen BABY EYE Bücher” von Apfelbäckchen 

Baby Bente liebt BABY EYE Babybücher

Ulrike – Mom of Bente (6 months) and Merle (2,5 years)

“My little daughter Bente reacted with lots of enthusiasm when she received the BABY EYE book ‘Little Animals — Patterns’. She is really happy when we look at the book together, it seems as if she was trying to talk to the pictures :-). My older daughter Merle explains everything to the little sister very well, she also loves this awesome baby book. I highly recommend BABY EYE to all parents.”

Baby Noemi liebt BABY EYE Babybücher

Stefanie – Mom of Noemi (8 months)

“Incredible books that bring our little Noemi lots of joy. She is happy about the faces and different colors of the beautifully designed pages. BABY EYE baby books promote vision and hearing, can be unfolded and thus offer many possibilities. Please translate them to other languages!”

Baby Elena liebt BABY EYE Babybücher

Verena – Mom of Elena (5 months)

“My daughter Elena is really interested in the BABY EYE baby book ‘Little Animals — Patterns’. The contrasts and the clear colors immediately catch the eye and I have noticed that also my daughter can perceive this without being overwhelmed by the color masses. I personally find BABY EYE books to be very lovingly designed and was particularly pleased to explain Elena the animals and the details shown on the corresponding second page.”

Experts about BABY EYE

Expertin für BABY EYE Babybücher

Stefanie Zotz – Speaker and Maternity Nurse

“As a maternity nurse and speaker, I am often asked by expectant and young parents about my favorite pieces. And the BABY EYE book series is absolutely part of it for me — an absolute must-have in the baby starter set. Why is that? Newborns see very blurred, but their interest in discovering and understanding the world is great. Watching and discovering is the motto of this clever series, which is great fun even for the youngest ones.”

Expertin für BABY EYE Babybücher

Marry Kotter – Blogger and Mother

“I know people really love to give babies cute plush toys. I did it myself before I was a mom. Unfortunately, my daughter was never particularly interested in any stuffed animal. In hindsight, I can say that I would have been much more pleased with an awesome BABY EYE book. My daughter loved these baby books sooo much. Since babies cannot see very well, they are happy about the strong contrasts in these books designed especially for babies.”

More… “Meine Geschenktipps zur Geburt” von Marry Kotter  

Expertin für BABY EYE Babybücher

Mandy Schmidt – Speech therapist

“I am thrilled with these brilliant baby books and our 5-month-old baby much more. He is excited every time I get the books and looks attentively, with concentration, joyfully and persistently at the books with me. I have never experienced this on such a large scale with such little babies and I have already looked at countless books with babies and toddlers. The books are perfectly designed for the eyesight of such little people. I have also used the books in my therapies with children with learning and visual impairments. Absolute recommendation!”

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  • BABY EYE baby books…
  • ✓ calm babies and toddlers
  • ✓ scientifically proven
  • ✓ lovingly designed
  • ✓ suitable from birth
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BABY EYE baby books — why babies and toddlers are so fascinated about them

“I could not believe that Bendik stopped crying on Dad’s arm as soon as I held the newly arrived BABY EYE book in front of him.” — says Nadine — mom of 1-month-old Bendik. Why does Bendik and other babies react so positively to BABY EYE? In order to understand this, we have to go deeper into the matter and first understand how babies see their environment.

How do babies see the world?

Even if parents often prefer soft, pastel tones for their babies — babies love it brightly colored and rich in contrast. In addition to black and white, babies especially like bright primary colors. Why is that so? Babies see blurry, 30 times less sharp than adults and cannot see the colors well. Seeing the world with baby’s eyes is like looking through a frozen window.

While the four senses of hearing, taste, smell and touch have already been fully well developed in the placenta, the sense of sight is still immature in newborns and can only be learned after birth. The sense of sight develops slowly and only after 1 — 2 years the child will see about as well as an adult.

Studies conducted by psychologist Prof. Ilona Kovacs show that the sense of sight develops better as soon as the eyes are exposed to regular optical stimuli. It is therefore extremely important to provide the baby with an environment in which he can develop his eyesight well. BABY EYE baby books can positively influence and support this development from the beginning.

What is so special about BABY EYE baby books?

The special BABY EYE baby books have a calming effect on babies, arouse their interest and make them curious. Why? Babies are often stressed and frustrated that they cannot see their surroundings well. This changes with BABY EYE. BABY EYE helps babies discover the world better.
Since babies see out of focus and cannot recognize colors well, we exclusively use images in black and white and primary colors. Our books contain large, vivid images with sharp outlines and special borders on all pages that support baby’s eyes during fixation. Babies love high-contrast and bright colors, which is why they react enthusiastically to BABY EYE books that they see better than their surroundings.

BABY EYE baby books arouse baby’s interest — this increases concentration and stimulates the joy of speaking. All of our books are designed for the little ones to accompany them from the beginning through the first three years of their lives. Adapted to the eyes of the respective age, you can use them specifically.

BABY EYE book series

Our folding books, so-called leporellos, were primarily designed for babies in their first months of life. “Aki’s House”, “Neko’s House” and “Tropf, Tropf, Baby” are suitable for playing while lying down and for babies who still need to learn to reach for things in a targeted manner. The babies’ eyes are stimulated when they look at the varied geometric patterns of 14 different house facades.

The baby books “My things — contrasts”, “Our world — shapes” and “Small animals — patterns” are suitable recpectively from the first, second and third month of life. It is the first BABY EYE book series that has been developed together with experts in psychology and it is based on scientific studies.

Our baby books from the “Aki’s Friends” book series contain primarly black and white images with subtle accents of primary colors. This series supports the sense of sight and focus, increases concentration and develops a feeling of rhythm of speech. The series contains three books: “Daki — the panda bear”, “Kuro — the black bear” and “Shiro — the polar bear”.

The book series “Aki’s Family” not only supports seeing, color learning, concentration and focusing, but also stimulates the joy of speaking. The series contains three baby books with high-contrast, bright images in red, blue, yellow and black and white: “Aki — the red bunny”, “Neko — the blue kitten”, “Mami — the yellow leopard” and “Papi — the white tiger”.

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Baby book “My things — contrasts”

While all the senses are already well-developed, the sense of sight in newborns is not yet fully mature. Babies see blurry and 30 times less sharp than adults — which is the reason why they show particular interest in contrasts and black and white images.

The baby book “My things — contrasts” — suitable for babies from the first month of life — was specially designed for the youngest ones and contains large, clear illustrations exclusively in black and white. Since babies see out of focus, the black and white contrasts pique their interest.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 1 month upwards.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Our world — shapes”

Babies know the color red from mom’s belly, so for this reason it is the first color that they can recognize after birth. Since red is a color that babies are already familiar with, it has a calming effect on them. Scientific studies conducted by the British psychologist Prof. Anna Franklin also show that red is babies’ favorite color.

The baby book “Our world — shapes” contains large, high-contrast images in black and white and red — the first color that babies can distinguish better from other colors. The red illustrations have a calming effect on the baby.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 2 months upwards.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Small animals — patterns”

Over time, babies learn to differentiate between colors. In the third month of life they can already perceive bright primary colors. Babies’ eyes have a very high threshold of stimulation and do not become overwhelmed by the stimuli coming from bright colors — that is why babies love it bright and the reason why pastel colors do not catch their interest.

The baby book “Small animals — patterns” — suitable for babies from 3 months — contains large, high-contrast images and patterns in black and white and bright primary colors: red, blue, yellow — colors that babies learn to distinguish quickly from other colors. The book helps the baby with learning colors. Older babies react with great enthusiasm to the book because they already understand the meaning of the motifs and connections between the pictures.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 3 months upwards.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Aki’s House”

The baby book “Aki’s House” is a fanfold book that contains high-contrast images in black and white and primary color red — the first color that babies can best distinguish from other colors. The different patterns of varied facades of a contemporary, fictional house stimulate baby’s eyes. Where is the red bunny Aki?

  • The baby book “Aki’s House” is a fanfold book, suitable for newborns or small babies who still see blurry and are learning to explore the world with their eyes.
  • Designed for babies who are not yet able to sit, so they can look at the images of the unfolded book in a lying position.
  • This BABY EYE baby book has no text and contains 14 different images on both sides.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Neko’s House”

The baby book “Neko’s House” is a fanfold book that contains high-contrast images in black and white and primary color blue — one of the first colors that babies can distinguish better from other colors. The different patterns of varied facades of a traditional, fictional house stimulate baby’s eyes. Where is the blue kitten Neko?

  • The baby book “Neko’s House” is a fanfold book, suitable for newborns or small babies who still see blurry and are learning to explore the world with their eyes.
  • Designed for babies who are not yet able to sit, so they can look at the images of the unfolded book in a lying position.
  • This BABY EYE baby book has no text and contains 14 different images on both sides.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Tropf, Tropf, Baby”

The baby book “Tropf, Tropf, Baby” is a fanfold book that contains high-contrast images in black and white and primary colors red, blue and yellow — the first colors that babies recognize the quickest from other colors. This book contains large pictures of BABY EYE characters’ faces Aki, Neko, Mami, Papi, Daki, Shiro and Kuro — to which the baby reacts with enthusiasm — as well as pictures of their respective weather patterns. The large, high-contrast illustrations of different faces support the baby in the exploration of the real world full of new faces, which babies see blurry at this age.

  • The baby book “Tropf, Tropf, Baby” is a fanfold book, suitable for newborns or small babies who still see blurry and are learning to explore the world with their eyes.
  • Designed for babies who are not yet able to sit, so they can look at the images of the unfolded book in a lying position.
  • This BABY EYE baby book has no text and contains 14 different images on both sides.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Daki — the panda bear”

Babies see out of focus, which is why they show interest in high-contrast black and white images. The baby book “Daki — the panda bear”, which contains illustrations in black and white, tells a short, playful story about the smallest of the three teddy bears with magical powers and one of Aki’s secret friends — the panda bear Daki. Although the small, cuddly Daki mostly feeds on bamboo, he has a penchant for apple pie. The ladybug from the baby book “Small animals — patterns” helps him to find a delicious apple pie. Daki has a magical superpower — he creates wind while sneezing.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 4 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Daki — the panda bear” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Kuro — the black bear”

Babies see out of focus, which is why they show interest in high-contrast black and white images. The baby book “Kuro — the black bear”, which contains illustrations in black and white, tells a short, simple story about the medium teddy bear — the black bear Kuro. Kuro is one of the three bears with magic superpowers and one of Aki’s secret friends. Kuro’s favorite food is of course honey, which is why he bacame friends with the little bee from the baby book “Small animals — patterns”. The bear likes to observe how the bee flies around busy making honey. Kuro has the magic power to produce rain when crying.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 4 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Kuro — the black bear” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Shiro — the polar bear”

Babies see blurry, which is why they like in particular high-contrast, vivid black and white illustrations. The baby book “Shiro — the polar bear” with pictures in black and white, tells a brief and playful story about the polar bear named Shiro. Shiro is the largest of the three teddy bears with magic superpowers and one of Aki’s secret friends. The funny polar bear likes to eat blue vanilla ice cream and creates snow with his magical laugh. While fishing, he gets to know the blue little fish from the baby book “Small animals — patterns”. He releases the blue little fish and in return it fulfills his wish.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 4 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Shiro — the polar bear” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Aki — the red bunny”

This baby book contains high-contrast images in black and white and primary colors, mostly in red — the first color that babies can best distinguish from other colors. Babies know the color red from mom’s belly, so for this reason it is the first color that they can recognize after birth. Since red is a color that babies are already familiar with, it has a calming effect on them. Scientific studies conducted by the British psychologist Prof. Anna Franklin also proves that red is babies’ favorite color.

The baby book “Aki — the red bunny” tells a brief and playful story about a little girl who claims to be a red bunny and to jump very high. Aki has three secret friends — three teddy bears with different magic superpowers. The panda Daki can create wind, the black bear Kuro — rain and the polar bear Shiro — snow. Aki is very musical and plays a magic melody on a flute, which brings her teddy bears to life. Aki likes to dance with the red butterfly from the baby book “Small animals — patterns”.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 5 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Aki — the red bunny” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Neko — the blue kitten”

The baby book “Neko — the blue kitten” contains high-contrast images in black and white and primary colors, mostly in blue. The color blue is one of the three primary colors — colors that babies can distinguish better from other colors, and they are able to do it well at the age of three months.

The baby book “Neko — the blue kitten” tells a short story about a little baby — Aki’s brother. Neko shows a preference for different sounds and music — he likes to hear the blue bird from the baby book “Small animals — patterns” and loves the melodies played by Aki on her magic flute. He has a collection of pacifiers — the red one being his favorite.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 5 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Neko — the blue kitten” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Mami — the yellow leopard”

The baby book “Mami — the yellow leopard” contains high-contrast images in black and white and primary colors, mostly in yellow. The color yellow is one of the three primary colors — colors that babies can distinguish better from other colors, and they are able to do it well at the age of three months.

The baby book “Mami — the yellow leopard” tells a brief story about a double mom who enjoys spending time with her children — Aki and Neko. Just like the little snail from the baby book “Small animals — patterns”, she likes her little yellow house.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 5 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Mami — the yellow leopard” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Baby book “Papi — the white tiger”

The baby book “Papi — the white tiger” contains high-contrast images mainly in black and white and in primary colors. While all the senses are already well developed, the sense of sight in newborns is not yet fully mature. Babies see blurry and 30 times less sharp than adults — which is the reason why they show particular interest in contrasts and black and white images.

The baby book “Papi — the white tiger” tells a short and concise story about a dad who wanted to be a white tiger when he was a child. Papi — the white tiger goes abroad on a trip and there he falls in love with Mami — the yellow leopard. The two lead a happy family life full of fantasy and music together with their children — Aki and Neko.

  • This baby book is suitable for babies from 5 months upwards.
  • In the baby book “Papi — the white tiger” the baby gets to know faces and facial expressions, while the short, onomatopoeic texts stimulate the sense of hearing.
  • All pages of this baby book have borders that support baby’s eyes during fixation.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is only 10 pages long so that the baby does not feel overwhelmed.
  • This BABY EYE baby book is printed in Europe, is pollutant-free and robust.
  • This and the rest of the BABY EYE baby books contain recurring motifs that babies slowly recognize over time.

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Eye clinics - BABY EYE helps

BABY EYE creates aid projects for babies and children with eye diseases. Especially in the first year of life, which is so decisive for the development of the child, it is important for children with visual impairment to best support their sight through appropriate measures.

The sooner a visual impairment is recognized, the better are the possibilities of targeted supporting measures to influence this development favorably. That's why we support children’s eye clinics or schools and other early childhood care centers that help children through early intervention. Our BABY EYE baby books are also among the support measures that children’s eye clinics use successfully for the visual support of children with sight impairment.

BABY EYE already supports the following institutions: Frühförderzentrum für sehgeschädigte Kinder an der LVR-Louis-Braille-Schule, Städtischer Eigenbetrieb Behindertenhilfe Interdisziplinäre Frühförder-und Frühberatungsstelle, Georg-Droste-Schule Förderzentrum für Sehen und visuelle Wahrnehmung, Johann-Peter-Schäfer-Schule, LVR-Karl-Tietenberg-Schule.

We would like to encourage all of you to help children in need and help us with our charity projects. We would be very happy to receive support from aid organizations, partners, foundations and other wonderful people. So if you want to do something good, then contact us at info@babyeye.de !

"BABY EYE baby books have already been used and are appealing to both parents and therapists. Our therapists report that children are also interested in the books." - Städtischer Eigenbetrieb Behindertenhilfe Interdisziplinäre Frühförder- und Frühberatungsstelle, Leipzig

"I myself have used BABY EYE books on a severely multiple-disabled child and have been able to observe good visual attention. The books are attractively designed and the colors, strong contrasts and simple shapes definitely make sense for visually impaired infants or children with multiple disabilities." - Ute Hahn - Frühförderin, Frühförderung LVR-Karl-Tietenberg-Schule, Düsseldorf

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